A phobia is an intense and persistent fear felt when a dog is confronted with something threatening in a layman's language. Phobias, human's or dog's, are triggers for the irrational mind, which is to say that dogs can even anticipate a phobia. There are many beginnings of phobia in a dog; it could be a traumatic experience, genetic predisposition, medical condition, or lack of...
  • Why Do Some Dogs Bark at Every Noise?

    Why Do Some Dogs Bark at Every Noise?
    Imagine if someone objects to the way you speak or how much you speak. Of course, the Constitution still protects you, but what of our little doggos? Barking is one of their only ways to communicate with the world. One of the many reasons for dogs to hail as the most loved pet is their expressiveness, but the limited mediums of expression fail them....
  • Do Dogs Enjoy Watching TV?

    Do Dogs Enjoy Watching TV?
    Imagine coming from a long day at work, tiring into bed with your snuggle partner, catching up on some shows. Suddenly it strikes your head what interests your dogs in the romcoms or even the thrillers you watch. Do they enjoy it, or they sit there just for you? Can TV entertain them as much as it can entertain a human? If yes, what...
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