Puppy - Adult - Senior Some interesting traits in each life stage

What makes a furry distinctive is all about growing up. Enhancing oneself is a part of the change & evolution is what happens in the process. Dogs are adorable beings, from how expressive they are to how capable they can be in the next stage of their life. 

This piece will cater to all the aspects and life stages that help a pup to evolve into an adult and then a senior. Their physical, as well as mental traits, will express all about it and make you want to hug your furry and pat them on their back for a non-human journey where they can’t express themselves the way they want you to. 

Pet parents put their soul into helping a pup grow by giving them proper food, fun and other homely experiences to make them feel comfortable. Our lives revolve around our pets, laughing in each of the unique moments, seeing them change physically as well as mentally and aligning all those pieces of a puzzle that bonds them better. 

Here’s the joy to make you nostalgic about the moments from when you brought home a puppy, adult or a senior furry and enjoyed all these experiences and laughed with your pets when they expressed their complete selves to you. Or if you are a new pet parent, we are sure that this will be an all-rounder experience where you will get to know more about your furry and understand their traits concerning the life stage they are in currently and more moving forward. 

Starting with the first stage when your furry was a little PUPPY.

Growing up

From the very first day after they are born till the coming two weeks; These are one of the most crucial days because a pup is born blind, deaf and literally with no sense of anything. It takes time for them to evolve & their body is delicate pink starving for warmth and touch. Within the next ten days or two weeks, they become double the current body weight, starts to put all their effort to open their eyes, but it takes around seven weeks for their eyesight to develop. Slowly their remaining senses start to grow. 

Rule of the Paw

Are you curious about your furries' adult size? There is a way out for you. Puppy paws can help you determine their size when they will be an adult. But this is predictable only for the purebred, smaller breed dogs, not the large breed dogs. 

Early Puppy Training

For a puppy to grow old into a social and responsible being, it is crucial to start with their potty training after they are one week old. Yes, puppies can not hear or see comfortably, but they can adapt and respond to a close association. Later after they are three weeks and above, start introducing them to strangers so that they can become loveable and enjoy their company when they are adults. 

Yawwwwwwn! Does your pup replicate?

Dogs have never been contagious to this, but a study suggests that pups yawn after seeing their hooman yawn. With time, furries have evolved feelings for their hoomans & empathy can be the reason for that. It is like how we see someone else in distress and cry, or we see anyone laughing, we smile.  

A theory behind Puppy Dog Eyes

Yes, puppy dog eyes have a theory & a study proves this. It is not only for the puppies but dogs belonging to all the stages in their lives. Furries acquire a new muscle over their forehead, Levator Anguli Oculi Medialis with time & this helped them to evolve this breath-taking puppy dog expression. A study reveals that furries produce such facial expressions more often when they notice that a human is observing them. It works for them all the time. 


When a small breed puppy reaches nine months of age & a large breed puppy reaches 15 months, they become an adult. Here are a few unique traits of an adult furry:

At this stage, furries become less dependent on you and walk with you as a companion. You will notice a change in their personality as their height and weight are growing. Stop worrying if your dog does not play that much like before. It is because of their adulthood and never compare your adult years to pups because one dog year is approximately parallel to 10-15 human years as per their ageing profile. 

No more puppy teeth

Have you noticed a sharp edge over their teeth? Well, they have grown up now. Adult teeth give them a firmer grip over their toys & they can chew solid food better. And of course, you can feel their teeth on your hands. It is essential to keep a regular check on their dental health apart from their routine check-up.

Sexual Maturity

One of the essential aspects of their growing up is sexual maturity. You will notice a change in their behaviour; they will start marking streets with their urine and behave a little strange often. It varies from the types of breeds because a smaller or an average breed dog reaches this stage after nine months whereas a large breed dog takes 18-24 months to reach this stage.

A male dog shows more interest in the females when in heat while the female dogs have a bloody vaginal discharge in hot weather accompanied by some behavioural changes.

A less reserved teenager

When they were a puppy, jumping and running appeared to be in control and you never felt anything but to adore them seeing their activities. But when dogs become an adult or more often at the early stage of adulthood (teenager), they become aggressive and uncontrollable. It’s time to train and indulge them with good habits.

Not much of an attendee

Remember the time when they were never interested in anything, but you. Stop getting worried or confused about these sudden behaviour changes; you are still the favourite hooman. It happens because they start to understand the outside world and respond to that in excitement. Just like the world to them is a mystery box, give them time, they will catch up. 

Senior Age

The senior age in furries starts from six to ten years, depending upon the different breeds. Your furry will show the signs, be it changes in their appetite, weight, sleeping patterns and cognitive health. When your furry is at this stage, remember to keep a check from a vet and follow their advice regularly. Here are some of the behavioural changes and advice for your senior furry so that they can still live as smoothly as they can.

Yes, they are a little older. But your furry still loves to walk with you, slow.

Furries' age demands some lifestyle and home adaptations such as adding ramps, assisting them to get in the car and rubber mats so that they never slip on the floor.

A senior furry experience some visual impairment because of their age, so, skip moving the furniture around and create difficulty for them to walk.

Try different ways to stay happy with them as they are still your family.

Try communicating with them through hand gestures, so that when they suffer because of hearing issues, they can understand you with your gestures.

Never wait for things to get worse. Start their treatments on time.

Getting to know your furry & reading about them more often will not only help you understand but will give you a an understanding to various things so that you can focus on your furry without diverting your attention to other things. They are our priorities; let us help them to understand that. 

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