All about Dog Toys, Learn Which Your Pet Will Prefer?

Toys make the world around us better, either one or many, our past reasons well with it. Your pet dog loves it too. Believe it or not, it counts among the necessities for them. Choose among the wide varieties of dog toys online like chew toys, plush toys, squeaker toys, fetch and tug toys, rope toys and interactive toys. Here you will find details about each category of dog toys that will help you make the right choice for your pet dog. 

Importance of toys for dogs

Everyone needs a diversion from the regular or the usual/daily schedule, and it’s essential to keep your pet engaged in one or the other thing. It will help your pet dog to become mentally and physically fit, energetic and happy. We strive for something different every day, take kids as an example: every time they pass through a toy shop, they will want something different, maybe a car or a stuffed toy or anything unique.

For your pet dog, you will have to make that choice. Introducing your pet dog to toys will give them motivation, and they will stay excited to play with them all the time. You will notice your pet dog carrying their toy all the time, and they will make sure nobody except a few touches. 

Toys can make a huge impact in your pet dog's life; they will keep them running, teach them to be expressive and help them socialise. At times you will find dogs possessive towards their belongings, especially food, toys and bowls. That means they have grown enough to understand the boundaries around their space.

Toys are meant to fill small gaps in a dog’s life, this doesn’t mean that you have competition. It is just a part of their special collection, a treasure box which they will keep for a long time. 

They play an essential role while training your pet dog. You can adopt different methods, one which they will enjoy is involving treats during training. You can teach them tricks using throw toys and offer a delicious treat to appreciate their behaviour. It will keep them encouraged, and they will never get bored.

Why do dogs feel attracted to toys? 

Do you still remember your favourite toy when you were a kid, say a year old or two? Sometimes it's unlikely to remember such episodes, but not with dogs. They have what researchers called episodic memory, where they can easily remember something or someone that has been connected to them in their past. So, even when they grow up, they will still remember how a toy close to the smells.

Dogs have an instinct of liking a particular toy. Studying various types of toys will help understand why they usually feel bent towards specific toys. Below are details about all the categories of dog toys:

Chew Toys:

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Before exploring the number of chew toys for your pet dog, make a list of traits about your pet. Ask these questions from yourself: Are they, heavy chewers? Do they like to chew everything they see? How old are they?

After getting answers to such questions, you will understand their behavioural instincts. The best way to identify such behaviour patterns is by checking the place of your footwear. Are they missing from where they are supposed to be? Chew toys help satisfy their natural chewing tendency. These will come in handy when you have a little pup around. They will help them during teething days, but being a pet parent, you will have to be more than aware of what kind of toys are safe for them. While choosing a perfect chew toy, make sure that they are perfect for their age; choose the appropriate size, preferably a little bigger, so that they can avoid consuming, and these must not have loose and pointy ends.

Chew toys are the best ones to carry around all day long, just like plush toys. But because of their built quality and material, these help in maintaining their dental hygiene. Chewing them will keep their teeth away from tartar and plaque build-up. Some dental chews help to improve their breath; you can opt for the different chews to keep them engaged all the time. Look for the best dog chew toys online and find a suitable option for your pet. You can opt for extreme chews if your dog is an intensive chewer. These will help satisfy their chewing tendency.

Plush Toys:


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Notice their behaviour, if they like to keep things just for their collection, and they are not targeting to destroy their toys by rigorous biting, then you can introduce them with plush toys. They are made using non-toxic materials so that even if they remain in your dog’s mouth, then you can stay relieved about their health.


Plush toys give them the best experience in terms of comfort. They act as the best cuddle toy that they can carry around every corner that they change. They have an ancestorial tendency to hold their hunt and sometimes even their pup with the help of their teeth. If you notice any unusual behaviour in your pet dog towards their toys, such as aggression and constant growling, then you can always get them checked by the vet.

We will advise 100% supervision whenever your pet dog is playing with toys. Plush toys don't have much life, especially if your dog is a high energy breed. Always keep a check on the tears so that you can change them as early as possible. It will keep your pet dog away from consuming the stuffing. Explore the varieties of dog toys online and find the best plush toy for your pet dog.

Interactive Toys:



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A lot of researches suggest that dogs are much more intelligent than we can think. Their brain is stimulated based on activities that they are well-trained to do. Long walks and rigorous exercises not only help them physically but mentally as well.


At times, it becomes difficult to take them out for a walk and therefore becomes even more difficult to keep their mind busy and away from lethargy. Interactive toys come into the picture. These are specially designed to help pet parents keep their pets involved in finding solutions. Researchers have been studying their behaviour for quite some time and found out that they are naturally curious. Interactive toys help maintain such behavioural traits if practised enough even when they grow old. 


These toys contain puzzles & quirky and tricky treat balls that will help exercise your pet's brain. You will find unique interactive treat feeders which you can use to boom their excitement level, mostly because a treat is involved. Find the unique interactive toys for your pet dog online and give their brain the best activity to indulge.

Squeaker Toys:



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They are one of the trending categories of toys for your pet dog. These are a combination of chew and plush toys with an added squeaker in them. You will notice your dog’s growing curiosity whenever their toy squeaks. It makes them even more indulged to tear that apart. Sometimes dogs are attracted to the unique voices of the squeaker toys and they can’t resist finding out and satisfy their curiosity. However, how much they like their squeaker toy, nothing can fulfil their growing curiosity.


Squeaker toys are soft and cosy as per their built type. A plush toy or a chew toy can easily be converted into a squeaker toy if added a voice box in it. They have a non-toxic built quality so that you can stay worry-free after seeing such toys in their mouth.

Dogs are born with their ancestorial instincts, and one of the most striking ones is killing their prey. Squeaking resembles that their prey is alive, and when you see them tearing their squeaker out, it means that they want it dead. These kinds of toys keep them engaged for a long time, and they never get bored with their squeaker toys.

Rope and Tug Toys:



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These provide one of the best entertainments to your pet dog because of its tightness and stiffness. Rope toys have a non-toxic material so that their chewing doesn't impact their health in any way. You will find an abundant variety of rope toys, available in different colours as well. Some have knots to give your pet an easy grip. They are durable and convenient, one of the favourite toys for your pet.


Look for the best dog toys online in India, and you will find these on the list. Both Rope and Tug Toys helps to build a better relationship with their pet parent because they can play the game of tug and spend some quality time together.

Fetch Toys:


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These are also a combination of chew and squeaker toys. These are strong and free from toxicity. These come in different varieties, such as different shapes and colours, so that your pet dog can experience uniqueness all the time.


Fetch or throw toys help your pet maintain their body weight and keep them energetic all the time. You can train your pet using different fetch toys.

From flying disks, balls to bone-shaped toys, fetch toys are always fun. They give them the best play-time experience. Their built quality is safe for your pet, and just like chew toys, these also help in massaging their gums when chewed. These are durable and strong, avoids any loose end, therefore, one of the safest play toys for your dog. Explore the unique collection of dog fetch toys online available in different shapes, colours and sizes.

Dogs always enjoy the company whenever they are around toys. It encourages them and keeps them high spirited. Once you introduce them to different toys, they will find their best friend soon enough. It is essential to keep constant supervision, especially when they are playing with toys.

Keep their collection up to date and avoid using any toy that has a loose end and can easily be consumed. You always seek a vet’s advice whenever buying new products on them so that they are checked now and then and stay healthy all the time.

Even if they are alone and bored, toys will help boost their overall confidence and keep them motivated and entertained. These are best in teaching them independence and keep them occupied at times when you need a quiet room to concentrate on your work at home. In short, toys are one of the best companions for your pet dog every now and then.

Let the toys do their trick and help them understand their human a little better. Explore online and learn ways which you can use to improve your relationship using the best dog toys online

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